Nebula, Star ClusterCharles LilloJanuary 16, 2012Comment A New and Improved M45 Nebula, Star ClusterCharles LilloJanuary 16, 2012Comment A side by side comprison of 10 minute vs 5 minute sub,s using the same equipment on the same object. Notice the reduction in halos on the bottom image that used 5 minute subs. top image is 10 minute subs, bottom is 5minutes subs Charles Lillo Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit Tumblr 0 Likes
Star ClusterCharles LilloApril 24, 2014M53, Harold Campbell, vixen VC200LComment Messier 53 Star ClusterCharles LilloApril 24, 2014M53, Harold Campbell, vixen VC200LComment
NebulaCharles LilloOctober 15, 2015ASAComment ASA Astrograph 10″ N Newt First Light ASA is nearly ready for some real imaging NebulaCharles LilloOctober 15, 2015ASAComment
Nebula, Star ClusterCharles LilloDecember 12, 2015asaComment M45 Nebula, Star ClusterCharles LilloDecember 12, 2015asaComment
Nebula, Star ClusterCharles LilloFebruary 22, 2011Harold Campbell, SXVR-M25C, The Rosette NubulaComment Rosette in HA Nebula, Star ClusterCharles LilloFebruary 22, 2011Harold Campbell, SXVR-M25C, The Rosette NubulaComment
Star Cluster, NebulaCharles LilloNovember 02, 2010Celestron C8 Edge HD, Cocoon Nebula, HyperStar, M45, SXVR-M25C1 Comment First Light with a HyperStar and EdgeHD 8" Star Cluster, NebulaCharles LilloNovember 02, 2010Celestron C8 Edge HD, Cocoon Nebula, HyperStar, M45, SXVR-M25C1 Comment