The Sculptor Galaxy is often overshadowed by more famous spirals like Andromeda or the Triangulum Galaxy, but it’s a fascinating target in its own right.
I captured 10.5 hours of data with 5-minute subs. Using an Apertura Carbon Star Fast Newtonian and my ZWO 2600 Duo OSC camera, I focused on pulling out the rich detail hidden within this iconic spiral galaxy.
M51, also known as the Whirlpool Galaxy, graces the night sky as a stunning spiral galaxy duo located in the constellation Canes Venatici.
This composite image of M33, the Triangulum Galaxy, utilizes luminance (L), hydrogen alpha (Ha), and red, green, blue (RGB) filters to unravel the celestial tapestry of this spiral marvel
This composite image of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) showcases the stunning beauty and intricate details of this neighboring spiral galaxy. Combining LRGB data with the added Hydrogen-Alpha (Ha) channel, this image provides a comprehensive view of M31, emphasizing the regions within the galaxy where hydrogen gas is actively emitting light at the specific Ha wavelength.
NGC 8307 is a magnificent spiral galaxy that is located about 130 million light-years away in the Hydra constellation.
Learn how I used the Bluexterminator plugin to reprocess old astro data of the M51 Galaxy, removing blurring caused by light pollution and atmospheric conditions and resulting in stunning images with crisp, clear details and vibrant colors.
Capturing the beauty of a distant spiral galaxy NGC 2903 by spending three nights camping under the starry Florida sky with no light pollution!
NGC 2903 is an isolated barred spiral galaxy in the equatorial constellation of Leo. Get a close up look at all the fuzzies in the shot.
The M81 and M82 galaxies are a pair of galaxies located in the constellation Ursa Major.
The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224 and originally the Andromeda Nebula, is a barred spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light-years from Earth and the nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way
The Deer Lick Group, contains four 5 members; NGC 7331 the bigger spiral galaxy and NGC 7335, NGC 7336, NGC 7337 and NGC 7340, affectionately referred to as the "fleas".
Messier 106 is an intermediate spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici.
M51, as it looked 23.16 million years ago.
M106 taken from Kissimmee Prairie Preserve, even with 50% moon this place is dark enough to take an descent image of m106
2017 data Re-processed in Pixinsight using my LRGB combine routine
4 Nights at KPSP = 3 images and 1 video
Looking 25 million years into the past, the Whale and Hockey Stick Galaxies.
Hazy night at HC produces a ok image.
Taken deep in the Florida Everglades, far away from most light pollution this is 7 hour of exposure on Galaxy M81.
A short recap of this year KPP camping trip.
While sky conditions were not as pristine as during my Leo Triplet session, the dual-scope approach again proved invaluable, allowing for a detailed, high-contrast representation of this stunning galaxy.