IC 1318 (Butterfly Nebula)
It's been just about 2 months since my last image, M101. Poor weather, vacation and galaxy season are mostly to blame. I did have a few nights of clear weather but nothing worth attempting in the narrow-band was within reach from my vantage point at home. Last night after a failed attempt to go to HC with Fernando and Jason I setup my rig in my driveway and at 10:30 IC 1318 was just high enough for me to get some data.
IC 1318 in near Gamma Cygni
IC 1318 in the Hubble pallet
IC 1318 is a large HII region the Cygnus complex. The region spans over 100 light years. The bright star in the center of the nebulosity is a star known as Sadr or Gamma Cygni.
The top image is 28, 600 second subs in HA, the bottom 28:600 HA, 10:600 OIII, 10:600SII both stacked and combined in Maxim the HUblle version was color mapped in Pixinsite and finished in Photoshop using Bob Franke's hubble pallet technique.
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