Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3)

On July 10, 2020 I was in the right place at the right time.
For 3 consecutive mornings (4:00 am) I ventured out to the Blueridge Parkway near my cabin in Deepgap, North Carolina trying to get a shot of newly discovered comet Neowise, 3rd try was the charm. No fog or clouds to obstruct my view, just this awesome comet hanging in the north eastern sky.
I must say I was obsessing over getting this shot for a week now, actually losing sleep “FOMO” big time. Having this shot in the bag is a good feeling.
For my non astronomy friends, you see this comet will not be back for some 6800 years so this is a once in a thousand life times opportunity for us.
Image details.
Image one wide filed:
Camera: Nikon D800.
Lens Nikor 85mm prime at f4.5 iso 4000.
4 x 20 second exposures, stacked and tracked for the comet.
1 x 20 second exposure for the foreground.
Image two Portrait:
Camera: Nikon D800.
Lens Nikor 85mm prime at f4.5 iso 4000.
4 x 20 second exposures, stacked and tracked for the comet.
1 x 20 second exposure for the foreground.
Click below images to enlarge.

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