Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park

Camping at Kissimmee Prairie Preserve can be hit or miss this time of year when it comes to weather, but I was rewarded with 4 perfect days and 3 clear, cool nights. The night sky was spectacular and the park looked great too, freshly graded roads and new grass on the astro pads. Some minor burning went on during the day but by night fall, it was all gone.
With perfect weather, comes a lot of images, below you'll find 3 deep-sky images taken with my telescope and dedicated CCD and also a DSLR gallery, of pictures I took walking around waiting for the night. I also have couple of great milky-way shots in there.
Thanks for a great time KPP, see ya again soon!
Sombrero Galaxy
Whirlpool Galaxy
Leo Triplet (M66, M65 and NGC 3628)
A walk in the park
A day into night

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.