NGC 2359 aka Thor's Helmet

NGC 2359, also known as the Thor's Helmet Nebula, is a stunning emission nebula located in the constellation Canis Major. It is named after its resemblance to a helmet worn by the Norse god Thor, complete with two large "wings" extending from either side. The nebula is located approximately 15,000 light-years from Earth and measures about 30 light-years across.
Capturing an image of NGC 2359 requires patience, dedication, and a clear view of the night sky. I can tell you that it is not an easy feat to capture a clear and detailed image of this spectacular nebula. I had to spend three nights in the dark skies of central Florida to capture the necessary data shows just how challenging and rewarding astrophotography can be.
After capturing the raw images, processing them using specialized programs such as PixInsight and Photoshop is necessary to bring out the stunning colors and details of the nebula. This process can take hours or even days of careful tweaking and adjusting to create the final image. But the end result is a breathtaking view of one of the most unique and awe-inspiring objects in the night sky.

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