Charles LilloComment

The Soul Nebula

Charles LilloComment
The Soul Nebula

Soul Nebula LRGB

The Soul Nebula (Westerhout 5) is an emission nebula located in the constellation Cassiopeia. It forms a famous pair known as the Heart and Soul with the neighbouring Heart Nebula (IC 1805). The Soul Nebula is sometimes also known as the Embryo Nebula or IC 1848, which is a designation used for the open star cluster embedded within the nebula.


Scope: SVA 130EDT with reducer/flattener

Mount: Atlas Pro with Polmaster

Tripod: iOptron TriPier

Guiding: Borg 50mm with Orion Star-shoot

Camera: sBig STF-8300m with FW8 filter wheel

Filters: Baader 32mm LRGB, HA,SII,OIII


Processing: Maxim,PixInsight,Photoshop: in that order

Acquisition: SGP

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