Nebula, Planetary NebulaCharles LilloApril 14, 2019Deep space imaging, narrowband, M97, Messier 97Comment Messier 97 - planetary nebula in the constellation Ursa Major Messier 97, a planetary nebula in the constellation Ursa Major. Nebula, Planetary NebulaCharles LilloApril 14, 2019Deep space imaging, narrowband, M97, Messier 97Comment
Outreach, News, supernova, Galaxy, NebulaCharles LilloFebruary 10, 2016Kissimmee Prairie, camping, Deep space imagingComment 2016 camping trip to Kissimmee Prarie State Park A short recap of this year KPP camping trip. Outreach, News, supernova, Galaxy, NebulaCharles LilloFebruary 10, 2016Kissimmee Prairie, camping, Deep space imagingComment
NebulaCharles LilloAugust 28, 2014Iris Nebula, Hc, Deep space imaging, Nubula, sBig, Takahashi fsq-106Comment The Iris Nebula NebulaCharles LilloAugust 28, 2014Iris Nebula, Hc, Deep space imaging, Nubula, sBig, Takahashi fsq-106Comment
GalaxyCharles LilloMarch 14, 2013M81 M82, Ha, Deep space imaging, sBigComment M81 and M82 in Ha GalaxyCharles LilloMarch 14, 2013M81 M82, Ha, Deep space imaging, sBigComment