Timelapse, WidefieldCharles LilloOctober 29, 2014Time-Lapse, Nikon D5000, Harold Campbell, Big Cypress, Area 63Comment An Astrogeeks Time-Lapse | Big Cypress National Preserve & Harold Campbell Timelapse, WidefieldCharles LilloOctober 29, 2014Time-Lapse, Nikon D5000, Harold Campbell, Big Cypress, Area 63Comment
NebulaCharles LilloAugust 18, 2014trifid, Harold Campbell, LRGB, sBig, Takahashi fsq-106, Nebula, MilkywayComment The Trifid Nebula NebulaCharles LilloAugust 18, 2014trifid, Harold Campbell, LRGB, sBig, Takahashi fsq-106, Nebula, MilkywayComment
Star ClusterCharles LilloApril 24, 2014M53, Harold Campbell, vixen VC200LComment Messier 53 Star ClusterCharles LilloApril 24, 2014M53, Harold Campbell, vixen VC200LComment
GalaxyCharles LilloMay 10, 2013M101 LRGB, LRGB, sBig, st8300, Harold CampbellComment M101 GalaxyCharles LilloMay 10, 2013M101 LRGB, LRGB, sBig, st8300, Harold CampbellComment
Charles LilloMay 29, 2012(IC4604), Harold Campbell, M53, Rho Ophiuchus Nebula, SXVR-M25CComment New Images Charles LilloMay 29, 2012(IC4604), Harold Campbell, M53, Rho Ophiuchus Nebula, SXVR-M25CComment
Charles LilloJanuary 21, 2012FSQ-106, Harold Campbell, Orion NebulaComment The Great Orion Nebula Charles LilloJanuary 21, 2012FSQ-106, Harold Campbell, Orion NebulaComment
Nebula, Star ClusterCharles LilloFebruary 22, 2011Harold Campbell, SXVR-M25C, The Rosette NubulaComment Rosette in HA Nebula, Star ClusterCharles LilloFebruary 22, 2011Harold Campbell, SXVR-M25C, The Rosette NubulaComment
Charles LilloJuly 10, 2010Harold Campbell, QHY8, Veil ComplexComment The Veil was sort of lifted Charles LilloJuly 10, 2010Harold Campbell, QHY8, Veil ComplexComment
Charles LilloJune 09, 2010Harold Campbell, Lagoon, M81, Orion ED80, QHY8, m82 TrifidComment Harold Campbell (06-09-2010) Charles LilloJune 09, 2010Harold Campbell, Lagoon, M81, Orion ED80, QHY8, m82 TrifidComment
Charles LilloJune 08, 2010Harold CampbellComment Harold Campbell (06-08-2010) Charles LilloJune 08, 2010Harold CampbellComment
Charles LilloFebruary 22, 2010Flame nebula, Harold Campbell, QHY8, horsehead nebula, spacersComment Saturday Night at Harold Campbell Charles LilloFebruary 22, 2010Flame nebula, Harold Campbell, QHY8, horsehead nebula, spacersComment
Charles LilloFebruary 07, 2010California Nebula, Harold Campbell, QHY8Comment February 06, 2010 - Harold Campbell Report Charles LilloFebruary 07, 2010California Nebula, Harold Campbell, QHY8Comment