astrophotogrphy, Galaxy, TipsCharles LilloJune 26, 2018m31, andromedia, Pixinsight LRGB combine tool, Kissimmee PrairieComment Andromeda Galaxy 2017 data Re-processed in Pixinsight using my LRGB combine routine astrophotogrphy, Galaxy, TipsCharles LilloJune 26, 2018m31, andromedia, Pixinsight LRGB combine tool, Kissimmee PrairieComment
GalaxyCharles LilloDecember 23, 2012andromedia, m31, Takahashi fsq-106, NarrowBand Imaging, FSQ-106Comment It's not the end of the world again GalaxyCharles LilloDecember 23, 2012andromedia, m31, Takahashi fsq-106, NarrowBand Imaging, FSQ-106Comment