The Nigth sky at ISO 400,000

We have all seen night time time-lapse videos of the stars and auroras, those are generally made by taking many many long exposures of 15-30 seconds each at high ISO's of 1600 to 3200 then stitching them together with a video editing software adding 24 frames per second of video to give the illusion of a film in real time.
Doing so you can see some amazing things because your compressing time, sometime hours and hours of time into seconds or minutes. This technique is a great way to showcase the night sky we all see when we venture out to our dark observing and imaging sites. This short film by Ben Canales is different in that is shot with a new low light camera made by Using the new Canon MH20f-SH allowing for uber high ISO of 400,000 so it can capture in real time the night sky.
“I think this one may be the beginning of something damn interesting,” said filmmaker Ben Canales, who along with cohort John Waller of Uncage The Soul Productions, shot this video with new low-light technology. Using the new Canon MH20f-SH, which has the capability of shooting at 400,000 ISO, they were able to “film in the quiet moments that have been impossible to capture until now.”

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