Live Long and Prosper Mr. Spock

When I was a boy my father introduced me to Star Trek the original series and we watched it without fail each and every week. It’s one of those father/son memories that stays with you. We would sit on carpet, in front of the TV rather than the couch and get lost in each episode. I don't remember exactly what year it was or if we were watching reruns or the original series when it was still on, no matter it was great sitting on the floor with my dad and marveling at what could be someday. I guess that's why I like SCI-FI so gives me hope of what "could be" someday.
As I got older and had a son of my own we also watched Star Trek and both were big fans of Mr.Spock. He was misunderstood, complex, brilliant and completely logical of course. My son liked the character so much his online persona for most of his profiles to this day is Spock Ninja.
I know “Mr. Spock” was just a character in a TV and Movie series but to my son and I he was so much more, and Leonard Nemoy played him so well.
I was saddened to learn of his passing today, it came as a shock to me and I feel like I have lost an old friend.
Live long and proper Mr. Spock. Tonight I will watch one of my favorite episodes of Star Trek in honor of Mr. Nemoy.
Primortals (or typecased PriMortals) was a comic book series published by Tekno-Comix (later Big Entertainment) from 1995 to 1997. The characters and concept were created by actor Leonard Nimoy, who developed the idea for the series after visiting the SETI project. Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov was credited with providing additional concepts.

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.