Top 10 Astrophotography Targets for Fall & Winter

Every season has it's goto targets (pun intended) that any self-respecting astro-photographer must add to his "I've shot that" list. Fall and Winter have some of the years best wide field targets to choose from.
I have compiled my Top 10 List for Fall and Winter. Even though all these objects are on my "I've shot that" list as well, I reserve the right to re-shoot them again...and again...and again :).
TOP 10 Fall & Winter Targets
#1 The Great Orion Nebula
aka M42
#2 The Horse head and Flame Nebula
aka Barnard 33
#3 M78
#4 The Pleiades or The Seven Sisters
aka M45
#5 The Tadpole Nebula
aka IC 410
#6 The Jellyfish Nebula aka
IC 443
The Rosette Nebula
#8 Thor’s Helmet
#9 The Heart Nebula
#10 Christmas Tree Cluster
aka NGC 2264

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