Naked Horsehead Nebula

Using Pixinsight’s star removal processing script StarNet I created this eerie version of the famous Horsehead Nebula. I’ve only done the Horsehead once before and even then is was a half ass effort, I’ve never put any serous time on it, and this time was no different. I’m not sure why, but the Horsehead just doesn’t do much for me “normally”.
Last week while working out some gremlins in my gear I put a few hours on the Horsehead and processed it to see how well my tracking and focus was, then I used Pixinsights starNet on it and wow, the result was surreal.
The haunting feel to this black and white image is memorizing, and with the horsehead floating in a sea of nebulae that looks like a big wave about to crash over it this version was finally something I could fell good about posting.
I hope you guys like it as much as I do, I may even add some color to it :).
Below are both versions, with and without stars, which do you prefer?
Telescope: SharpStar 76mm
Camera: Apoge u8300 m
Mount: Atlas Pro
Data: 600x24:HA
Location: Davie, Florida

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