Perseid Meteor Shower 2016: Where, When and How to See it in South Florida

If you're in South Florida this weekend, and are interested is seeing this years Perseid Meteor Shower you're in luck. We have many locations that are just a short drive from where you are in all 3 counties.
No special equipment is need but the following is recommended.
- A conformable chair, preferably one that leans back, so you can get a good look at a good portion of sky without hurting your neck.
- Something to drink, to stay hydrated.
- Mosquito repentant.
- Sit back, relax and just keep looking up!
We "Earth" will pass through the densest area of Comet Swift-Tuttle— this Friday night, Aug. 12. Late Friday between 12 midnight and 4 am will give you the best possible chance at seeing the meteors.
Your know the old saying location location location, this holds true for meteor showers too. You'll need to get to the darkest skies you can, away from city lights. The darker the skies the more meteors your will see.
Listed below are several locations in Dade and Broward Counties that offer dark skies and within a short driving distance from most local cities.
Dade County

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