The Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae

Taken over 3 nights with just over 15 hours of total integration time, this lrgb image represents the incredible display the universe has to offer.
details are as follows. The Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae are a pair of nebulae in the constellation Sagittarius and with a widefield scope and full frame camera can be captured in one FOV without the need for a mosaic.
The Lagoon emission nebula glows in red from the color of ionized hydrogen while the reflection nebula known as the Trifid presents it's blue from nearby hot, young stars. The Trifid Nebula gets its name from its three-lobed appearance.
Camera :QHY268M
Filters: LRGB
Scope: Sharpstar 76mm APO
Location: The SNR Ranch near the Kissimmee prairie preserve state park in south central Florida.
Lagoon & Trifid in LRGB
Click for higher resolution popup
Close ups

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